Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Susan Boyle

I am not a big American Idol watcher. Oh, I watch it sometimes, but I don’t arrange my evenings around it. I had certainly never heard of the British version until the YouTube videos of Susan Boyle made the rounds this past weekend. I can’t stop thinking about it. If you have somehow missed this new hero on the pop scene, just Google Britain’s Got Talent or Susan Boyle, and take time it all in – from the moment this unlikely hero struts out on stage till the end of a performance that brings tears as well as a standing ovation and thunderous – I’m talking thunderous applause.

There is an initial feeling that everyone in the audience is either snickering under their breath or feeling painfully embarrassed for this plump little middle-ager who wants to be a star. The cynicism melts and the spirit in the room is transformed the minute she launches into “I Dreamed a Dream” with her absolutely magnificent Broadway voice. Even the cocky Simon had the most awestruck and almost tender look on his face. There was something in Susan’s performance that surpassed entertainment.

Her authenticity and an “I’m comfortable with me” message was pure refreshment. She was…well…pure. I think she moved us past the razzle dazzle because somewhere inside each of our souls we all want to be authentic.

She volunteers at her church, takes care of her mother, and thinks she may or may not have a “makeover” simply because “I’m happy the way I am.” Oh, Susan, Never change. The world needs to hear from you!

1 comment:

"Just jen" said...

Great post! I am glad that she has decided not to do the makeover. We all could learn a little from her entire presence.

By the way.. The song you have playing, I just heard two days ago and have been trying to figure out who sang it and the name since. I open your page and there it is! I was almost questioning if that was the song I needed to use for the purpose I was looking for it for, however, now I am sure it is... So thanks!